Up-Date: Press Release against convicted serial criminals : Statement of Magister Bernd Pulch, heir of the family bible for himself and the Pulch family

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My name is Bernd Pulch, I have studied and acquired the title Master (Magister) according to the academic laws.
Link to my Master’s thesis

I am the heir of the family bible and can therefore represent our family based on this authority .

Our family has and had many members who work and worked successfully as entrepreneurs, secretaries of state, banker, lawyers, farmers, politicians and also journalists.

We will prevent that our family name is violated by convicted criminals, cybermurderers and Neo-Nazis as well as former Stasi-Agents like the notorious”GoMoPa” which leaders have and had numerous convictions and stayed many years in jail.
The cybermurderers were hired to fight for criminal fraudsters and to cover their fraud. Now they even copy our documents and the documents of Meridian Capital to confuse our readers.

This will not work.

In order to keep my family safe we will not publish any private data as we have evidence that these people did in fact execute a murder.

The German journalist Heinz Gerlach died several months ago under strange circumstances and we believe that it is very strange that this happened at the same time when he published his informations against “GoMoPa” and ther backers.

Furthermore there is significant evidence that the circumstances of his death and the methods of “GoMoPa” are connected to the former Eastern-German Communist Terror Organisation “Stasi” as many of their victims can witness.


I will therefore prosecute these criminals with no mercy until their very end..

Magister Bernd Pulch