Editorial: “What is the Core of Totalitarism?” ✌@abovetopsecretxxl

It is part of the nature of totalitarian rule that it perverts all concepts, all measures. It owes its adherence less to the promise of unaccountable satisfaction of drives than to the consequent confusion of moral categories, which is accompanied by the proclamation of a new morality of its own. Detached from any overarching system of reference, it is, of course, only a purely functional morality, oriented to the power-political utility effect. In the name of history, of race, of the community of the people or of the protection of the climate or of similar terms of interpretation, the totalitarian system arouses the latent readiness of people, above all of disoriented people eager for knowledge, to subordinate themselves to a “higher law” and to identify themselves with an “iron necessity without alternative”.
